A busy weekend. The Seven States Daffodil Show and the New England Primula Society Show. May 6, 2008 The judges we’re gushing over this auricula grown by Judith Sellers from New York state. A Walk at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boylston,… Continue Reading
A Late Frost May 6, 2008 Our lovely yellow magnolia ‘Gold Finch’ in now more like a Gold Finch in drab winter plumage. That Pelargonium bowkerii seedling I grew for… Continue Reading
Instant Alpines, and Corydalisness May 1, 2008 Arenaria montanaOK….sure, this could be a Farrer Medal winning plant from any well-known potted alpine plant exhibit in the UK, but it’s not…..it’s from… Continue Reading
Some Rare-ish Pelargoniums April 28, 2008 Pelargonium bowkeri Of the 230+ species of Pelargoinum, 185 are concentrated in the winter rainfal area of the south esters tip of South Africa…. Continue Reading
Saxifraga in Tufa Rock April 7, 2008 High alpine saxifrage growing in Tufa rock I have a long history with Saxifraga, or saxifrages. 30 years ago, while in high school, my… Continue Reading
Comparing Clivia Blossoms April 4, 2008 Various Cyrtanthiflora group blossoms A decade ago, a yellow Clivia or a variegated Clivia, often topped the list of the most wanted, if not… Continue Reading
Cape Bulbs from seed April 2, 2008 Lachenalia aloides var. aloides Sparaxis elegans Moraea pritzeliana Romulea ‘Nightshays form” Romulea australis Romulua minutiflora Sand bed in greenhouse with Cape Bulbs Continue Reading
Happy Easter! March 22, 2008 Fritillaria sewerzowiiIan Young, from the Scottish Rock Garden Society ( and his very informative and addictive blog) had recently raised the issue that many… Continue Reading