Happy Easter!

Fritillaria sewerzowii
Ian Young, from the Scottish Rock Garden Society ( and his very informative and addictive blog) had recently raised the issue that many people ( as if there truly were ‘many’) who grow Frits that are the more unusual species form, are having issues with the blossoms opening before the foliage comes out. I do have this problem with Fritillaria stenanthera, but not with F. sewerzowii. But Ian’s plants, which inspired me to grow these jewels in the first place, are so much larger, it must be the fertilizer he uses ( tomato and Phosphorus) whereas here in the states, more unorthodox formulas are more difficult to find. I do use a 0-0-10 after bloom, but not every week or on the surface, and Ian suggests.
Tomato fertilizer, which is often reccomended for many bulbs in Europe, has a different analysis here in the states, and it depends on which brand you purchase. One may be high in nitrogen ( not good for most bulbs) and others that are completely opposite. Ideally, I like a 5-20-20, if I could find it.

Forced pot of Lilly of the Valley

If you look back in December on this blog, you will see how I planted these Convallaria. They we’re slower to emerge than I expected, but quite nice, actually. The fragrance in the greenhouse tells me that it is officially Spring ( and it is!). Out side, I might say that we had the perfect winter, with hardly a temp below 10 degrees F and a full snow cover, which just melted. As long as no below 20 degree nights occur ( and it looks doubtful, since April is about a week away), my zone 5 garden, may continue to have some spectacular zone 7 plants, for another year. Of course, in New England, I most likely just jinxed myself!

Easter Flowers in the Greenhouse

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