Nerine sarniensis 1 November 3, 2006 Finally, I am home after traveling for work all month. Hopefully, November will be a little less hectic, although, I do have a book… Continue Reading
Bulbous South Afrifan Oxalis October 23, 2006 A sandbed filled with blooming Oxalils species The bloom season is peaking for the bulbous Oxalis, and both the species from South Africa and… Continue Reading
First Fall Bulb Growth September 13, 2006 Colchicum ‘Poseiden’ The first of the potted Colchicum are blooming, this new bulb of C. “Posieden’ a colchicum of which Russel Stafford of Odyssey… Continue Reading
Old School Daffs:The Miniature Winter-Blooming Narcissus August 24, 2006 August is the time to plant these tiny precious and rarely seen Narcissus species. I grow many of the bulbocodium types of Hoop Daffodils… Continue Reading
Repotting dormant bulbs: Bulbous Oxalis July 29, 2006 The rarer and slow growing Bulbous Oxalis species perform best when repotted in the summer while they are dormant. The highly collectable bulbous Oxalis… Continue Reading
Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. Katherinae July 24, 2006 This Scadoxus was once known as Haemanthus Once classified by taxonomists as Haemanthus katernae, the re-classified Scadoxus multiflorus subspecies Katherinae is more commonly known… Continue Reading
Ornithogalum convallarioides July 17, 2006 This small bulbous Ornithogalum species is native to Madagascar Of all of the Ornithogalum species which I grow, this precious tiny specimen has been… Continue Reading
Asleep for the summer May 22, 2006 Nerine sariniensis entering summer dormancy This last weekend in May, which is a three-day holiday in America – Memorial Day- marks the start of… Continue Reading
Albuca spiralis April 11, 2006 As if the foliage isn’t attractive enough, the blossoms on Albuca species are just as interesting, The tender bulbs that produce this plant are… Continue Reading
Propagating Lachenalia April 6, 2006 Pollinate Lachenalia with a soft paint brush, just a gentle swipe with mimic a sun bird or a honey bee. Many gardeners who keep… Continue Reading