Narcissus Romieuxii January 15, 2008 This is the latest that my Narcissis romieuxii have bloomed, but with all of the snow days and over-cast days, the three week lag… Continue Reading
Achimenes November 4, 2007 A line-up of Achimenes showing the variety and diversity between various species and named varietites available. Isn’t it funny how even though one may… Continue Reading
Summer Bulbs in Containers August 27, 2007 Surely not very exciting to most growers unless you are a collector, I share with you a collection of summer-growing South African bulbs. Relatively… Continue Reading
High Summer, hello autumn? August 15, 2007 The tropicals front of the greenhouse continue to mature in the late summer heat of last week. I think Fergus can smell the brugmansia…. Continue Reading
late season Lachenalia April 4, 2007 Lachenalia aloides var. anzyliae If you grow Lachenalia, most likely you grow one of the new Lacehalia aloides clan. This species is by far… Continue Reading
The Collectors Species Narcissus March 27, 2007 Narcissus triandrus ssp. triandrus A parent of many of the triadrus hybrids that one finds at garden centers like Thalia, this precious rare bulb… Continue Reading
Romulea season February 25, 2007 Romulea bulbocodium ssp. leichtliniana The Genus Romulea is relatively unknown by most, since one rarely finds the corms available in the trade, and thus,… Continue Reading
Now for the rare stuff… December 3, 2006 Cyrtanthus species (most likely C. elatus X) This unknown species, or most likely a cross between two species of Cyrtanthus blooms regularly for me… Continue Reading
tiny Nerine rehmannii November 11, 2006 Nerine rehmanii This tiny Nerine, is very small, the flowers reach barly four inches high. Nerine rehmannii is native to Swaziland in South Africa,… Continue Reading
Peak Nerine sarniensis bloom November 5, 2006 A selection of Nerine sarniensis crosses, most from the United Kingdom’s National Collection, kept by Ken Hall at Springbank Nursery on the Isle of… Continue Reading