Unusual Greenhouse Christmas Bulbs December 27, 2008 It was a rather mild Christmas day, and finally, the sun came out, enough to raise the temperatures in the greenhouse to near 70… Continue Reading
Duality – Bulbs with Interesting Pairs of Leaves December 1, 2008 Dormant for one year, this lone, single leaf on a Resnova megaphylla shows how stunning even a single leaf can be. Native ot a… Continue Reading
November Cheer in the Greenhouse November 25, 2008 A view of the greenhouse on an unseasonably cold November day. As temperatures hovered near 18 deg. F, ice forming on the glass and… Continue Reading
Narcissus viridiflora November 1, 2008 Another autumn flowering Narcissus, the green flowered Narcissus viridiflora is currently in bloom. Every fall I seem to want to post a photo of… Continue Reading
The First Narcissus of Fall means…I’m bored? October 26, 2008 Narcissus serotinus I get bored easily. This is not a very practical trait, but then again, no one will ever label me a one… Continue Reading
Cyclamania September 25, 2008 Tis the season for Cyclamen, and I don’t mean those blousy, cabbagy, foil wrapped florist Clyclamen available at your local supermarket, although, they have… Continue Reading
Summer Lilies July 8, 2008 The week after Independence Day is the traditional weekend for Lily Show’s in the North East. When I was a kid, I would grow… Continue Reading
Lesser winter bulbs February 22, 2008 Asphodelus acaulis This small, winter blooming bulb is the perfect candidate for a potted alpine bulb collection for an alpine house, or a plunge… Continue Reading
Rare South African Lachenalia from Seed February 10, 2008 Rare species, such as this green-flowering variant of the more common, L. aloides, Lachenalia aloides var.Vanzyliae can only be obtained by seed. Now that… Continue Reading
Bargain Excellence and Authenticity =TUBEROU$ BEGONIA$ January 27, 2008 Blackmore & Langdon’s Tuberous Begonias at Chelsea Flower Show, London Just as with so many other things which are evaluated, judged and valued; plants… Continue Reading