Nerine sarniensis 1 November 3, 2006 Finally, I am home after traveling for work all month. Hopefully, November will be a little less hectic, although, I do have a book… Continue Reading
Bulbous South Afrifan Oxalis October 23, 2006 A sandbed filled with blooming Oxalils species The bloom season is peaking for the bulbous Oxalis, and both the species from South Africa and… Continue Reading
The first bulbous Oxalis of the season October 17, 2006 Oxalis zeekoviensis Over the next month, the collection of Oxalis species that are native to South Africa and which grow from various tiny bulbs,… Continue Reading
Nearing peak bloom in the fall greenhouse October 14, 2006 oxalis lobata, a rare South African bulbous oxalis speciesNow that I am back from traveling, a busy week at work was finalized by a… Continue Reading
late season brilliance October 2, 2006 Leonotis leonurus, just starting to bloomThis orange member of the mint family struts its stuff in the ;autumn, jsut before frost. Thankfully, this year,… Continue Reading
More Fall Bloom September 26, 2006 Clerodendron speciosissimum This striking red flowered member of the clerodendron clan also blooms in the autumn, just before frost. Started from cuttings in april,… Continue Reading
Fallishness September 19, 2006 The first day of autumn is officially Thursday, but why has it felt like fall since the first week of August? Yeah, it has… Continue Reading
Fall = Orchids not Mums September 19, 2006 You all know how I feel about bushel basket mums the size of dairy cows, all hormoned-up and perfectly perfect in every way. These… Continue Reading
First Fall Bulb Growth September 13, 2006 Colchicum ‘Poseiden’ The first of the potted Colchicum are blooming, this new bulb of C. “Posieden’ a colchicum of which Russel Stafford of Odyssey… Continue Reading
The Rainy Season Begins September 7, 2006 Nature has a way of managing cycles. Moon cycles, daylength cycles, temperature cycles, moisture cycles, even wildfires all combine to stimulate a chemical reaction… Continue Reading