A BRIEF ROMANCE WITH A COTTAGE GARDEN June 21, 2014 Self-seeded biennials like Foxgloves (digitalis) continue to emerge in random locations around my garden – all tracking back to an original planting of seed-raised… Continue Reading
MY FAVORITE CACTI -THE REBUTIA COME INTO BLOOM June 19, 2014 A large golden yellow Rebutia sp. thrives on neglect, and winter cold ( if kept dry) in a bonsai pot. I must have been… Continue Reading
SUMMER READING: SISSINGHURST – VITA SACKVILLE-WEST & SARAH RAVEN June 16, 2014 I love books. I love to read, and I especially enjoy gardening books by serious plant people, and few come as serious as Vita… Continue Reading
HOW TO GROW COLUMBINE FROM SEED WORTHY OF A COTTAGE GARDEN June 10, 2014 Left to right – ‘Aquilegia caerulea Songbird series ‘Nightingale’, ‘Songbird Series ‘Bluebird’ and Songbird Series ‘Dove’ Do you remember when you were a little… Continue Reading
Fare Well Dad. A Life Well Lived. June 4, 2014 Vitty A. Mattus. 1914 – 2014. My dad’s self portrait from 1960, when he was my age. My dear friends and readers, I am… Continue Reading
How Chef’s David Lebovitz and Dan Barber Changed How I Think About My Veg Garden May 28, 2014 Farm to Table? How about: Garden-to-kitchen-to-table. A more realistic, tastier and achievable approach. This past weekend, I’ve become more than a little obsessed with… Continue Reading
DIAGNOSIS – Attention Deficit Gardening May 23, 2014 A nearly black Salpiglossis, which self-seeded into a tub where an orange tree is growing, has grown to magnificent proportions throughout the winter in… Continue Reading
WHAT I’VE BEEN BUYING THIS SPRING May 21, 2014 Yes, lots of Guy Wolff pots were added to the greenhouse collection that I started 12 years ago. This Begonia grandifolia was also added… Continue Reading
LADYSLIPPERS, HORNEY ORIOLES AND PEA TENDRIL SALADS May 19, 2014 Cypripedium ‘Sabine Pastel’ blooming now in our woodland garden. These new ladyslippers by Frosch are easier to grow, but still require the perfect site,… Continue Reading
THE LURE OF TRADE SECRETS May 18, 2014 A pair of antique rusty equine busts are just an example of the quality of antiques and treasures to be found at Trade Secrets,… Continue Reading