My Nerdy Plant Display Window March 31, 2009 Yes, those are dirty dishes. And frankly, not much design fuss went into this. I just snapped these photos tonight, since I jsut noticed… Continue Reading
Growing with Plants, Grows! March 31, 2009 A double green-flowered Primula auricula, rarely seen in the US. First, my URL has changed ( finally!) to new readers, to my blog… Continue Reading
Unusual Winter Blooming Gladiolus Species March 29, 2009 Ahhhh…The Scent of Gladiolus tristus. For those of you lucky enough to have a cold greenhouse, the species Gladiolus offer some incredible scents and… Continue Reading
Starting Seeds, Indoors and Out March 23, 2009 Nothing says spring, better than getting into the soil and working it. In New England, the old ‘yankee’s’ followed the rule that peas should… Continue Reading
Mystery Plant spring bloom March 23, 2009 A spring rainbow….even though there are heavy snow squalls outside of the glass, today. From the left, Primula malacoides,Vireya ‘Valentine;, an interspecific Clivia, a… Continue Reading
March Madness March 21, 2009 Every March, the greenhouse almost has too many flowers in it. Some new tender shrubs that I bought for the greenhouse include this Correa… Continue Reading
NARGS WWSW OMG! Day 1 March 14, 2009 A first for me, A pot of Notholirion thomsonianum, of course! Oh, to live and garden in the North West…….someone please find me a… Continue Reading
Off to Oregon for a long weekend March 11, 2009 I’l leaving for Portland Oregon for a number of reasons, for a long weekend. I love this city, and can’t beleive that it been… Continue Reading
Getting ready for another snowstorm March 2, 2009 Gethyllis ciliaris I’ve had this rare bulb for two years, but they have remained dormant, until this winter. According to Paul Christian, these should… Continue Reading
February Valentines Day Bloom February 17, 2009 Sorry for the delay in posting, Joe fell down the stairs Saturday mornings as a nice VD gift to himself, and ended up with… Continue Reading