Sunday we visited a local farm just over the border in West Suffield, CT called Pleasant Valley Glad’s and Dahlia’s. A family owned business in it’s second generation of business, they are one of the countries few last growers and breeders of Gladiolus. I have an affinity for these most underused and under-appreciated of all summer bulbs, and I don’t know quite why. It might simply be by association, for the remind me of late summer gardens, and the gardens that my mom maintained. Regardless, anyone looking for late summer color should think about planting some exhibition glads, for the colors and varieties are endless, and as I found out on this visit, some new varieties might be perfect for large clumps in perennial borders, which is how they look best. So if your idea of gladiolus is limited to the handful of commercial varieties used by florists for funeral baskets, think again. Go Google Gladiola grower, and see what fancy varieties you will try next year in your garden. You might be pleasantly surprised!