Not to dwell, but here is Margaret yesterday, at Tufts Medical Center, unresponsive, foggy eyed and too lethargic to walk after getting her feeding tube. This morning, we received a call from the hostpital saying that suddenly, she is more chipper and active. And after today’s visit, we are somewhat encouraged.

Who says dogs can’t smile? Sweet Muggy Bunny. Stay strong. Thanks to all of you for your support and thoughts! I can’t even imagine how people deal with children who have illnesses. Support your local children’s hospital or vet school.
That's great news. She does look happy!
Great news! I hope all goes well! 😀 She looks good!
Yay! Fingers crossed she continues to recover.
How wonderfully encouraging! Keep us posted.
I hope Margaret continues to improve. I love our pets and get worried when they are sick so I know your feelings.
Oh those four legged kids of ours. It just breaks our hearts when they are ill and especially since they cannot tell us how they feel. Glad to hear she is doing better.
A sweet face on that dog. I hope the best for her. Kiss her on the ear. then go out & weed. It is therapy. Cathy
What a terrific, heartwarming face. I wish you the very best of luck with her quick and total recovery.
Speedy recovery to Margaret. How we all do love our dogs!