With the recent horrible events in northern Japan, and the Miyagi Prefecture where I have spent so many days over my four trips there, my thoughts and love are with you as you move forward through this disaster. Be strong, be grateful, be peaceful. You are all in our thoughts most every moment of the day. Those rows and rows of greenhouses that I remember spending time in now destroyed in a moment to the forces of nature herself, I can only pray that my friends are somehow OK. Thier parents, friends and neighbors, I have no idea how anyone could have escaped the Tsunami so quickly at thier age.
Shige, Masashi, if you can read this, please contact me via email if you are safe, as Dr Nakamura, I am concerned after seeing the fires in Chiba prefecture, and although your Clivia nursery is high on a knoll, you are only a mile from the sea. We pray that you are all safe from here, on the other side of our planet.
For all of my friends in Japan
Thoughts on Japan.
My heart goes out to the people of Japan.I pray for the safety of all the people who have escaped.
I hope your friends are okay. I'm praying for Japan and it's people, that they have the strength to overcome this natural disaster.
It is so hard to deal with this type of news and the ongoing fear that it might get worse because of the nuclear plant problems. I hope your friends are safe.
I pray for the people in japan and the whole world cause we can't really tell of what lies ahead of us.