I’ve been thinking about writing a salad book, since I get asked about my salad dressing recipes more than anything else. This one, is a fresh beet borscht salad, which I invented today. It used roasted beets, sour cream, buttermilk, crispy pickling cukes and fresh dill and vinegar. Served with warm boiled potatoes, it is a homage to my moms summer borscht that she would make on the hottest days of the summer. I tested it on my sister today, and she liked it. I am still experimenting with the recipe, I might try cutting the beets differently than the jullienne on the mandoline, but everyone did like it this way. I am imagining this with micro diced beets, too.

The tiger swallowtails seem to be attracted to all of the purple and magenta flowers, particularly the phlox, and the monarda. I watched them float and flutter to both, avoiding everything else in the garden.
I like how the colors of the second and third picture echo each other. Nice.