I have so many plant show ribbons, that fill my closets and potting shed, which I just adore because of their wierd, innocent, naive color combinations, but which I can’t decide what to do with. Thanks t Danny at Dailydanny, I have found the solution : wreaths. Anyone who exhibits in plant society exhibitions has boxes and drawers of rosettes, gathering dust and lint- why not display them? Best of all, this seems less like an ego blast, since let’s face it, hang a blue ribbon anywhere, and the it’s hard to avoid the obvious statement.

With a rosette wreath, like this assembleage, the statement is, well, understated, or better yet – over-stated, or overwhelmed by the art statement alone. Brilliant. If you don’t have any ribbons, just order your own from a horse ribbon company. You can order any color combo you want, and have them say anything you want. Try this one. Norogala Show Ribbons, it’s where we order our plant society ribbons. The cost is inexpensive, around $4.50 per rosette. Cheaper than roses.

A concrete Chesterfield Sofa? Oh yes, not leather, but a real chesterfield cast in concrete, created by Steve Jones for a British concrete company, Gray Concrete. I am reminded of Rachel Whiteread, the UK contemporary artist who casts the negative space of objects, but this if far more useful ( and probably more affordable). It even has a coin cast behind a pillow for authenticity. This is a piece of garden furniture any man would appreciate. Next? A cast big screen tv anyone?
wow…this rosette wreath looks awesome. I have never seen anything like it.
Loving the couch. It would have looked much better than the contemporary sofa in this garden at the recent hampton court flower show : theenduringgardener.com/the-living-room
Love the blog by the way.
The couch could be painted? I am also curious about how to keep a green house warm.