Halesia carolina – The Silver Bell Tree, reminds me of the first time I ever saw this southern American native, a large specimen at the Stoddard Estate in Worcester, MA, where I had my first job in high school, as a gardener. I always wanted one, and decided to plant one about 12 years ago. And then, it died. Then, Saturday, Joe came up to me in the greenhouse and said “hey., what’s this?” as he held a branch ( this branch). I seems that the edge of the woodland has moved inward, and the “dead’ Halesia resprouted from it’s rootstock. I am now a proud owner of a ten foot tall Halesia carolina, which is not in the most perfect of shape, more of a shrubby mess, really, but I still love it.
A couple more white bells
Tulbaghia violacea ssp. alba in the evening sun. This South African native blooms all summer for us, kept in large clay pots around the terraces and walks, it is a plant rather uncommon in New England gardens, but common in California. Known as Society Garlic because of it’s smelly leaves, it’s more common violet form is equally as nice. These, seed grown plants, are ready to be divided since this one white form is growing within a large pot of purple seedlings.
How fantastic! So all those pots of "dead" shrubs should have beeen saved a few more years and I too may have had my own surprise?
I love Halesia carolina and have meant to plant one here too. Enjoy your find.
I love when plants do stuff like your Halesia. It's such a sweet little tree that I've only seen a handful of times outside of Arboretums (Arboreta?). I'll bet your shrubby mess will happily bloom for you for many years to come. It's found its bliss.